Thursday, December 20, 2012

Season of Giving

There is snow somewhere with our name on it.  That's right, folks - meteorologists say that by Christmas night, there might be little tiny flakes of snow delicately falling down from our Texas skies, drifting fleetingly upon a our winter-neglected lone star lands. Wouldn't it be amazing?  Maybe if we're all good for the next few days, our gift will be a winter wonderland.  But hold your icy breath . . . its a big maybe.

But even while Texas might might match up to all those iconic songs about sleigh bells and snow, we still understand the real meaning of Christmas - giving:  how God gave us the birth of His son, Jesus, and how we in turn should be giving to others.  Isn't this what is meant by the saying  "peace on Earth and good will towards men?"  Perhaps this is never needed more than now.

In the wake of the  New Town massacre, the senseless violence towards those that we hold most dear has hit all of us hard.  And with new issues that we'll have to deal with coming up on the horizon, like the overwhelming availability of high-powered weapons and our deficiency as a nation in addressing mental illness, we know that we will have some major challenges ahead.  America will have to change.  And one of the first steps we can take is to make 'peace on Earth and good will towards men' a real thing - to actually do something in the lives of those that we love, and even in the lives of strangers, realizing that we are all connected to and responsible for our brothers.  One kind word, act or deed.    

This Christmas season, I encourage you to do some good deeds for the people in your life, even those you have never met. Below is a link to 26 Acts - a challenge brought forth by Ann Curry of ABC news do 26 acts of kindness for strangers to honor the memory of the 26 victims in the Sandy Hook shooting.  

To all of your families from ours, we wish you blessings and happiness this season - have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

LINC North Texas 

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