Thursday, January 26, 2012

SALI Program Starts New Semester

"My mom got the letter . . . and she cried."  This familiar phrase was repeated to SALI teachers all across the city as they stepped back into the classroom this month for the start of the new spring semester.  The 'letter' was a part of a lesson on parental appreciation, where students were given a chance to say to their parents  something they might usually not:  thank you.  These thank you letters were mailed out to parents at the start of the winter break, and many arrived on Christmas day.  Students reported their parents were 'stunned,' 'taken off guard,' and even 'shocked'.  Moms and dads were reminded just how much they were appreciated; guardians were told of how they, though not parents biologically, had always been like a father or mother to students; letters were put on the fridges, saved in desk drawers, and even placed on Christmas trees.  Students saw all of this and learned something: their small actions can have a big impact.  

This is just the most recent example of how the SALI program has affected the lives of its students, teaching them how they themselves can influence others and make a positive impact in the lives of their family and friends. This is the trickling down of our mission here at LINC NT.  From our amazing SALI teachers who devote their time to making a difference to our partnering AVID teachers who help us engage their classes, it all boils down to a simple vision: changing lives and transforming communities.  Now we're empowering young people with the tools to go out and do the same.  With iron commitment, clear perspective, and caring hearts, we hope to continue to foster these meaningful relationships and work together with our partners to make our community a better place to live.  

A big shout out to our SALI instructors and AVID teachers throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex: Perry, Creekview, Newman Smith, Gaston, Polk, Haltom, Daggett, RL Turner, Field, Blalack, JL Long, DF Long and Marsh.  With our most sincere appreciation, truly, thank you.