If ever machines are able to harvest human beings for their bio energy, their capacitors would blow a fuse at Perry Middle School last Thurs night (10/6) -- the energy from the kids was that intense. After revving the engine a little with relay games that included lemons, bananas and bedsheets (don't ask) these kids and their parents put the peddle to the metal in some serious team-builder games. Excitement and fun was in the air as moms and dads got to see their kids in a new light and work together. The tug of war scene was an especially contentious battle for strength and the will to win! . . . All in good fun, of course. Thanks so much to all the parents and students that came out, and to the all the great volunteers and teachers that helped make this night truly one for the record books. Can't wait for the next one this Thurs night 10/14 for the Early College Start parent night at Brookhaven!
you would also like to volunteer for our next event, please let us know - we
lots of kids and we could use the help! Contact brandon@lincnt.org
LINC North Texas